Thursday, August 4, 2011

Toxic Justice: Blog

Toxic Justice: Blog is dedicated to all who risked sharing their stories of judges out of control, lawyers outside the law, and victims of injustice out of luck.  We will listen, share, explore options and actions, and learn the faults and fragility of our justice systems. 

What is justice?  Some say justice cannot be defined, that justice cannot be found in a courtroom.   Isaac Rosenfeld wrote, "No man suffers injustice without learning, vaguely but surely, what justice is." 

Victims of injustice are not alone.  Judges are Gods without oversight; They are given the right to control our marriage, our children, where they live and with whom, with a signature, they control whether we live, die, or are left to suffer.  Judges determine every aspect of the quality of human and animal life.

Victims of injustice are left unprotected by corrupt, inept, and greedy lawyers who exploit their power, who blacklist, and deny and default on representation.

Many of us in the US and around the world believe -- Ninety percent of all judges give the other ten percent a bad name.  Those who disagree need to stay tuned to this blog and visit http://visit

This blog intends to publish stories, news, and commentary about Toxic Justice from around the world.  Discussion and polls will be added at a later date so that visitors can share, add, and rank topic subjects.